
4<\/span><\/span> (3:19) 1<\/a> <\/sup> \u201cFor<\/st> indeed<\/st> the day<\/st> 2<\/a> <\/sup> is coming<\/st>, burning<\/st> like a furnace<\/st>, and all<\/st> the arrogant<\/st> evildoers<\/st> will be<\/st> chaff<\/st>. The coming<\/st> day<\/st> will burn<\/st> them up<\/st>,\u201d says<\/st> the Lord<\/st><\/span> of Heaven\u2019s Armies<\/st>. \u201cIt<\/st> 3<\/a> <\/sup> will not<\/st> leave<\/st> them<\/st> even a root<\/st> or branch<\/st>. <\/span> 2<\/span><\/span> But for you who respect<\/st> my name<\/st>, the sun<\/st> of vindication<\/st> 4<\/a> <\/sup> will rise<\/st> with healing<\/st> wings<\/st>, 5<\/a> <\/sup> and you will skip about<\/st> 6<\/a> <\/sup> like calves<\/st> released<\/st> from the stall<\/st>. <\/span> 3<\/span><\/span> You will trample<\/st> on the wicked<\/st>, for<\/st> they will be<\/st> like ashes<\/st> under<\/st> the soles<\/st> of your feet<\/st> on the day<\/st> that<\/st> I<\/st> am preparing<\/st>,\u201d says<\/st> the Lord<\/st><\/span> of Heaven\u2019s Armies<\/st>. <\/span><\/p> <\/span>

Restoration through the Lord<\/h3><\/div>

4<\/span><\/span> \u201cRemember<\/st> the law<\/st> of my servant<\/st> Moses<\/st>, to whom<\/st> at Horeb<\/st> 7<\/a> <\/sup> I gave<\/st> rules<\/st> and regulations<\/st> for<\/st> all<\/st> Israel<\/st> to obey. 8<\/a> <\/sup><\/span> 5<\/span><\/span> Look<\/st>, I<\/st> will send<\/st> you Elijah<\/st> 9<\/a> <\/sup> the prophet<\/st> before<\/st> the great<\/st> and terrible<\/st> day<\/st> of the Lord<\/st><\/span> arrives<\/st>. <\/span> 6<\/span><\/span> He will encourage<\/st> fathers and their children<\/st> to return<\/st> to me, 10<\/a> <\/sup> so that<\/st> I will not<\/st> come<\/st> and strike<\/st> the earth<\/st> with judgment<\/st>.\u201d 11<\/a> <\/sup> <\/span><\/p> <\/span> <\/div>

The Genealogy of Jesus Christ<\/h3><\/div>

1<\/span><\/span> This is the record<\/st> of the genealogy<\/st> 1<\/a> <\/sup> of Jesus<\/st> Christ<\/st>, the son<\/st> of David<\/st>, the son<\/st> of Abraham<\/st>. <\/span><\/p> <\/span>

2<\/span><\/span> Abraham<\/st> was the father<\/st> 2<\/a> <\/sup> of Isaac<\/st>, Isaac<\/st> the father<\/st> of Jacob<\/st>, Jacob<\/st> the father<\/st> of Judah<\/st> and<\/st> his<\/st> brothers<\/st>, <\/span> 3<\/span><\/span> Judah<\/st> the father<\/st> of Perez<\/st> and<\/st> Zerah<\/st> (by<\/st> Tamar)<\/st>, Perez<\/st> the father<\/st> of Hezron<\/st>, Hezron<\/st> the father<\/st> of Ram<\/st>, <\/span> 4<\/span><\/span> Ram<\/st> the father<\/st> of Amminadab<\/st>, Amminadab<\/st> the father<\/st> of Nahshon<\/st>, Nahshon<\/st> the father<\/st> of Salmon<\/st>, <\/span> 5<\/span><\/span> Salmon<\/st> the father<\/st> of Boaz<\/st> (by<\/st> Rahab)<\/st>, Boaz<\/st> the father<\/st> of Obed<\/st> (by<\/st> Ruth)<\/st>, Obed<\/st> the father<\/st> of Jesse<\/st>, <\/span> 6<\/span><\/span> and<\/st> Jesse<\/st> the<\/st> father<\/st> of David<\/st> the<\/st> king<\/st>.

David<\/st> was the father<\/st> of Solomon<\/st> (by<\/st> the<\/st> wife of Uriah<\/st> 3<\/a> <\/sup>),<\/span> 7<\/span><\/span> Solomon<\/st> the father<\/st> of Rehoboam<\/st>, Rehoboam<\/st> the father<\/st> of Abijah<\/st>, Abijah<\/st> the father<\/st> of Asa<\/st>, 4<\/a> <\/sup> <\/span> 8<\/span><\/span> Asa<\/st> the father<\/st> of Jehoshaphat<\/st>, Jehoshaphat<\/st> the father<\/st> of Joram<\/st>, Joram<\/st> the father<\/st> of Uzziah<\/st>, <\/span> 9<\/span><\/span> Uzziah<\/st> the father<\/st> of Jotham<\/st>, Jotham<\/st> the father<\/st> of Ahaz<\/st>, Ahaz<\/st> the father<\/st> of Hezekiah<\/st>, <\/span> 10<\/span><\/span> Hezekiah<\/st> the father<\/st> of Manasseh<\/st>, Manasseh<\/st> the father<\/st> of Amon<\/st>, 5<\/a> <\/sup> Amon<\/st> the father<\/st> of Josiah<\/st>, <\/span> 11<\/span><\/span> and<\/st> Josiah<\/st> 6<\/a> <\/sup> the father<\/st> of Jeconiah<\/st> and<\/st> his<\/st> brothers<\/st>, at<\/st> the time of the deportation<\/st> to Babylon<\/st>. <\/span><\/p> <\/span>

12<\/span><\/span> After<\/st> 7<\/a> <\/sup> the<\/st> deportation<\/st> to Babylon<\/st>, Jeconiah<\/st> became the father<\/st> of Shealtiel<\/st>, 8<\/a> <\/sup> Shealtiel<\/st> the father<\/st> of Zerubbabel<\/st>, <\/span> 13<\/span><\/span> Zerubbabel<\/st> the father<\/st> of Abiud<\/st>, Abiud<\/st> the father<\/st> of Eliakim<\/st>, Eliakim<\/st> the father<\/st> of Azor<\/st>, <\/span> 14<\/span><\/span> Azor<\/st> the father<\/st> of Zadok<\/st>, Zadok<\/st> the father<\/st> of Achim<\/st>, Achim<\/st> the father<\/st> of Eliud<\/st>, <\/span> 15<\/span><\/span> Eliud<\/st> the father<\/st> of Eleazar<\/st>, Eleazar<\/st> the father<\/st> of Matthan<\/st>, Matthan<\/st> the father<\/st> of Jacob<\/st>, <\/span> 16<\/span><\/span> and Jacob<\/st> the father<\/st> of Joseph<\/st>, the<\/st> husband<\/st> of Mary<\/st>, by<\/st> whom<\/st> 9<\/a> <\/sup> Jesus<\/st> was born<\/st>, who<\/st> is called<\/st> Christ<\/st>. 10<\/a> <\/sup> <\/span><\/p> <\/span>

17<\/span><\/span> So<\/st> all<\/st> the<\/st> generations<\/st> from<\/st> Abraham<\/st> to<\/st> David<\/st> are fourteen<\/st> generations<\/st>, and<\/st> from<\/st> David<\/st> to<\/st> the<\/st> deportation<\/st> to Babylon<\/st>, fourteen<\/st> generations<\/st>, and<\/st> from<\/st> the<\/st> deportation<\/st> to Babylon<\/st> to<\/st> Christ<\/st>, 11<\/a> <\/sup> fourteen<\/st> generations<\/st>. <\/span><\/p> <\/span>

The Birth of Jesus Christ<\/h3><\/div>

18<\/span><\/span> Now<\/st> the<\/st> birth<\/st> of Jesus<\/st> Christ<\/st> happened<\/st> this way<\/st>. While his<\/st> mother<\/st> Mary<\/st> was engaged<\/st> to Joseph<\/st>, but before<\/st> they came together<\/st>, 12<\/a> <\/sup> she was found<\/st> to be pregnant<\/st> through<\/st> the Holy<\/st> Spirit<\/st>. <\/span> 19<\/span><\/span> Because Joseph<\/st>, her<\/st> husband<\/st> to be, 13<\/a> <\/sup> was<\/st> a righteous<\/st> man, and<\/st> because he did not<\/st> want<\/st> to disgrace<\/st> her<\/st>, he intended<\/st> to divorce<\/st> her<\/st> 14<\/a> <\/sup> privately<\/st>. <\/span> 20<\/span><\/span> When he<\/st> had contemplated<\/st> this<\/st>, an 15<\/a> <\/sup> angel<\/st> of the Lord<\/st> 16<\/a> <\/sup> appeared<\/st> to him<\/st> in a dream<\/st> and said<\/st>, \u201cJoseph<\/st>, son<\/st> of David<\/st>, do not<\/st> be afraid<\/st> to take<\/st> Mary<\/st> as your<\/st> wife<\/st> because<\/st> the<\/st> child conceived<\/st> in<\/st> her<\/st> is<\/st> from<\/st> the Holy<\/st> Spirit<\/st>. <\/span> 21<\/span><\/span> She will give birth<\/st> to a son<\/st> and<\/st> you will name<\/st> him<\/st> 17<\/a> <\/sup> Jesus<\/st> 18<\/a> <\/sup> because<\/st> he<\/st> will save<\/st> his<\/st> people<\/st> from<\/st> their<\/st> sins<\/st>.\u201d <\/span> 22<\/span><\/span> This<\/st> all<\/st> happened<\/st> so that<\/st> what<\/st> was spoken<\/st> by<\/st> the Lord<\/st> through<\/st> the<\/st> prophet<\/st> would be fulfilled<\/st>: <\/span> 23<\/span><\/span> \u201cLook<\/st>! The<\/st> virgin<\/st> will conceive<\/st> and<\/st> give birth<\/st> to a son<\/st>, and<\/st><\/b> they will name<\/st> him<\/st><\/b><\/i> 19<\/a> <\/sup> Emmanuel<\/i><\/st><\/b>,\u201d 20<\/a> <\/sup> which<\/st> means<\/st> 21<\/a> <\/sup> \u201cGod<\/st> with<\/st> us<\/st><\/i><\/b>.\u201d 22<\/a> <\/sup> <\/span> 24<\/span><\/span> When Joseph<\/st> awoke<\/st> from<\/st> sleep<\/st> he did<\/st> what<\/st> the<\/st> angel<\/st> of the Lord<\/st> 23<\/a> <\/sup> told<\/st> him<\/st>. He took<\/st> his<\/st> wife<\/st>, <\/span> 25<\/span><\/span> but<\/st> did not<\/st> have marital relations<\/st> 24<\/a> <\/sup> with her<\/st> until<\/st> she gave birth<\/st> to a son<\/st>, whom<\/st> he named<\/st> 25<\/a> <\/sup> Jesus<\/st>. <\/span><\/p> <\/span> <\/div>

The Visit of the Wise Men<\/h3><\/div>

2<\/span><\/span> After Jesus<\/st> was born<\/st> in<\/st> Bethlehem<\/st> 1<\/a> <\/sup> in Judea<\/st>, in<\/st> the time<\/st> 2<\/a> <\/sup> of King<\/st> Herod<\/st>, 3<\/a> <\/sup> wise men<\/st> 4<\/a> <\/sup> from<\/st> the East<\/st> came<\/st> to<\/st> Jerusalem<\/st> 5<\/a> <\/sup> <\/span> 2<\/span><\/span> saying<\/st>, \u201cWhere<\/st> is<\/st> the one who<\/st> is born<\/st> king<\/st> of the<\/st> Jews<\/st>? For<\/st> we saw<\/st> his<\/st> star<\/st> when it rose<\/st> 6<\/a> <\/sup> and<\/st> have come<\/st> to worship<\/st> him<\/st>.\u201d <\/span> 3<\/span><\/span> When King<\/st> Herod<\/st> 7<\/a> <\/sup> heard<\/st> this he was alarmed<\/st>, and<\/st> all<\/st> Jerusalem<\/st> 8<\/a> <\/sup> with<\/st> him<\/st>. <\/span> 4<\/span><\/span> After assembling<\/st> all<\/st> the<\/st> chief priests<\/st> and<\/st> experts in the law<\/st>, 9<\/a> <\/sup> he asked<\/st> them<\/st> where<\/st> the<\/st> Christ<\/st> 10<\/a> <\/sup> was to be born<\/st>. <\/span> 5<\/span><\/span> \u201cIn<\/st> Bethlehem<\/st> of Judea<\/st>,\u201d they<\/st> said<\/st>, \u201cfor<\/st> it is written<\/st> this way<\/st> by<\/st> the<\/st> prophet:<\/st> <\/span><\/p> <\/span>

6<\/span><\/span> \u2018And<\/st> you<\/st>, Bethlehem,<\/st><\/b> in the land<\/st> of<\/st> Judah<\/st>,<\/i>

are<\/st> in<\/st> no way<\/st> least<\/st> among<\/st> the<\/st> rulers<\/st> of Judah<\/st>,<\/i><\/b>

for<\/st> out of<\/st> you<\/st> will come<\/st> a ruler<\/st> who<\/st> will shepherd<\/st> my<\/st> people<\/st> Israel<\/st><\/b><\/i>.\u2019\u201d 11<\/a> <\/sup> <\/span><\/p> <\/span>

7<\/span><\/span> Then<\/st> Herod<\/st> 12<\/a> <\/sup> privately<\/st> summoned<\/st> the wise men<\/st> and determined<\/st> from<\/st> them<\/st> when<\/st> the star<\/st> had appeared<\/st>. <\/span> 8<\/span><\/span> He 13<\/a> <\/sup> sent<\/st> them<\/st> to<\/st> Bethlehem<\/st> and said<\/st>, \u201cGo<\/st> and look<\/st> carefully<\/st> for<\/st> the<\/st> child<\/st>. When<\/st> you find<\/st> him<\/st>, inform<\/st> me<\/st> so that<\/st> I<\/st> can go<\/st> and worship<\/st> him<\/st> as well<\/st>.\u201d<\/span> 9<\/span><\/span> After listening<\/st> to the<\/st> king<\/st> they left<\/st>, and<\/st> once again<\/st> 14<\/a> <\/sup> the<\/st> star<\/st> they saw<\/st> when it rose<\/st> 15<\/a> <\/sup> led<\/st> them<\/st> until<\/st> it stopped<\/st> above<\/st> the place where<\/st> the<\/st> child<\/st> was<\/st>. <\/span> 10<\/span><\/span> When they saw<\/st> the<\/st> star<\/st> they shouted<\/st> joyfully<\/st>. 16<\/a> <\/sup><\/span> 11<\/span><\/span> As they came<\/st> into<\/st> the<\/st> house<\/st> and saw<\/st> the<\/st> child<\/st> with<\/st> Mary<\/st> his<\/st> mother<\/st>, they bowed down<\/st> 17<\/a> <\/sup> and worshiped<\/st> him<\/st>. They opened<\/st> their<\/st> treasure boxes<\/st> and<\/st> gave<\/st> him<\/st> gifts<\/st> of gold<\/st>, frankincense<\/st>, 18<\/a> <\/sup> and<\/st> myrrh<\/st>. 19<\/a> <\/sup> <\/span> 12<\/span><\/span> After being warned<\/st> in<\/st> a dream<\/st> not<\/st> to return<\/st> to<\/st> Herod<\/st>, 20<\/a> <\/sup> they went back<\/st> by<\/st> another<\/st> route<\/st> to<\/st> their<\/st> own country<\/st>. <\/span><\/p> <\/span>

The Escape to Egypt<\/h3><\/div>

13<\/span><\/span> After they<\/st> had gone<\/st>, an 21<\/a> <\/sup> angel<\/st> of the Lord<\/st> 22<\/a> <\/sup> appeared<\/st> to Joseph<\/st> in<\/st> a dream<\/st> and said<\/st>, \u201cGet up<\/st>, take<\/st> the<\/st> child<\/st> and<\/st> his<\/st> mother<\/st> and<\/st> flee<\/st> to<\/st> Egypt<\/st>, and<\/st> stay<\/st> there<\/st> until<\/st> I tell<\/st> you<\/st>, for<\/st> Herod<\/st> 23<\/a> <\/sup> is going<\/st> to look for<\/st> the<\/st> child<\/st> to kill<\/st> him<\/st>.\u201d <\/span> 14<\/span><\/span> Then<\/st> he got up<\/st>, took<\/st> the<\/st> child<\/st> and<\/st> his<\/st> mother<\/st> during 24<\/a> <\/sup> the night<\/st>, and<\/st> went<\/st> to<\/st> Egypt<\/st>. <\/span> 15<\/span><\/span> He stayed<\/st> there<\/st> until<\/st> Herod<\/st> 25<\/a> <\/sup> died<\/st>. In this way<\/st> what<\/st> was spoken<\/st> by<\/st> the Lord<\/st> through<\/st> the prophet<\/st> was fulfilled<\/st>: \u201cI called<\/st> my<\/st> Son<\/st> out of<\/st> Egypt<\/st><\/i><\/b>.\u201d 26<\/a> <\/sup> <\/span><\/p> <\/span>

16<\/span><\/span> When Herod<\/st> 27<\/a> <\/sup> saw<\/st> that<\/st> he had been tricked<\/st> by<\/st> the<\/st> wise men<\/st>, he became enraged<\/st>. He sent<\/st> men 28<\/a> <\/sup> to kill<\/st> all<\/st> the<\/st> children<\/st> in<\/st> Bethlehem<\/st> 29<\/a> <\/sup> and<\/st> throughout<\/st> the<\/st> surrounding region<\/st> from<\/st> the<\/st> age of two<\/st> and<\/st> under<\/st>, according<\/st> to the<\/st> time<\/st> he had learned<\/st> from<\/st> the<\/st> wise men<\/st>. <\/span> 17<\/span><\/span> Then<\/st> what<\/st> was spoken<\/st> by<\/st> Jeremiah<\/st> the<\/st> prophet<\/st> was fulfilled<\/st>: <\/span><\/p> <\/span>

18<\/span><\/span> \u201cA voice<\/st> was heard<\/st> in<\/st> Ramah,<\/st><\/i><\/b>

weeping<\/st> and<\/st> loud<\/st> wailing,<\/st><\/i><\/b> 30<\/a> <\/sup>

Rachel<\/st> weeping<\/st> for her<\/st> children,<\/st><\/i><\/b>

and<\/st> she did not<\/st> want<\/st> to be comforted<\/st>, because<\/st> they were<\/st><\/i><\/b> 31<\/a> <\/sup> gone<\/st><\/b><\/i>.\u201d 32<\/a> <\/sup> <\/span><\/p> <\/span>

The Return to Nazareth<\/h3><\/div>

19<\/span><\/span> After Herod<\/st> 33<\/a> <\/sup> had died<\/st>, an 34<\/a> <\/sup> angel<\/st> of the Lord<\/st> 35<\/a> <\/sup> appeared<\/st> in<\/st> a dream<\/st> to Joseph<\/st> in<\/st> Egypt<\/st> <\/span> 20<\/span><\/span> saying<\/st>, \u201cGet up<\/st>, take<\/st> the<\/st> child<\/st> and<\/st> his<\/st> mother<\/st>, and<\/st> go<\/st> to<\/st> the land<\/st> of Israel<\/st>, for<\/st> those who<\/st> were seeking<\/st> the<\/st> child\u2019s<\/st> life<\/st> are dead<\/st>.\u201d <\/span> 21<\/span><\/span> So<\/st> 36<\/a> <\/sup> he got up<\/st> and took<\/st> the<\/st> child<\/st> and<\/st> his<\/st> mother<\/st> and<\/st> returned<\/st> to<\/st> the land<\/st> of Israel<\/st>. <\/span> 22<\/span><\/span> But<\/st> when he heard<\/st> that<\/st> Archelaus<\/st> 37<\/a> <\/sup> was reigning<\/st> over Judea<\/st> in place of<\/st> his<\/st> father<\/st> Herod<\/st>, 38<\/a> <\/sup> he was afraid<\/st> to go<\/st> there<\/st>. After being warned<\/st> in<\/st> a dream<\/st>, he went<\/st> to<\/st> the<\/st> regions<\/st> of Galilee<\/st>. <\/span> 23<\/span><\/span> He came<\/st> to<\/st> a town<\/st> called<\/st> Nazareth<\/st> 39<\/a> <\/sup> and lived<\/st> there. Then<\/st> what<\/st> had been spoken<\/st> by<\/st> the<\/st> prophets<\/st> was fulfilled<\/st>, that<\/st> Jesus 40<\/a> <\/sup> would be called<\/st> a Nazarene<\/st>. 41<\/a> <\/sup> <\/span><\/p> <\/span> <\/div>","bible2":"


4<\/span><\/span> \"For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze,\" says the Lord<\/sc> of hosts, \"so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.\"<\/span> 2<\/span><\/span> \"But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.<\/span> 3<\/span><\/span> You will tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day which I am preparing,\" says the Lord<\/sc> of hosts.<\/span><\/p> <\/span>

4<\/span><\/span> \"Remember the law of Moses My servant, even the<\/i> statutes and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel.<\/span><\/p> <\/span>

5<\/span><\/span> \"Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord<\/sc>.<\/span> 6<\/span><\/span> He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their<\/i> children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.\"<\/span><\/p> <\/span> <\/div>


1<\/span><\/span> The record of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham:<\/span><\/p> <\/span>

2<\/span><\/span> Abraham was the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers.<\/span> 3<\/span><\/span> Judah was the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, Perez was the father of Hezron, and Hezron the father of Ram.<\/span> 4<\/span><\/span> Ram was the father of Amminadab, Amminadab the father of Nahshon, and Nahshon the father of Salmon.<\/span> 5<\/span><\/span> Salmon was the father of Boaz by Rahab, Boaz was the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse.<\/span><\/p> <\/span>

6<\/span><\/span> Jesse was the father of David the king.

<\/span><\/p> David was the father of Solomon by Bathsheba who had been the wife of Uriah.<\/span> 7<\/span><\/span> Solomon was the father of Rehoboam, Rehoboam the father of Abijah, and Abijah the father of Asa.<\/span> 8<\/span><\/span> Asa was the father of Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat the father of Joram, and Joram the father of Uzziah.<\/span> 9<\/span><\/span> Uzziah was the father of Jotham, Jotham the father of Ahaz, and Ahaz the father of Hezekiah.<\/span> 10<\/span><\/span> Hezekiah was the father of Manasseh, Manasseh the father of Amon, and Amon the father of Josiah.<\/span> 11<\/span><\/span> Josiah became the father of Jeconiah and his brothers, at the time of the deportation to Babylon.<\/span><\/p> <\/span>

12<\/span><\/span> After the deportation to Babylon: Jeconiah became the father of Shealtiel, and Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel.<\/span> 13<\/span><\/span> Zerubbabel was the father of Abihud, Abihud the father of Eliakim, and Eliakim the father of Azor.<\/span> 14<\/span><\/span> Azor was the father of Zadok, Zadok the father of Achim, and Achim the father of Eliud.<\/span> 15<\/span><\/span> Eliud was the father of Eleazar, Eleazar the father of Matthan, and Matthan the father of Jacob.<\/span> 16<\/span><\/span> Jacob was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, by whom Jesus was born, who is called the Messiah.<\/span><\/p> <\/span>

17<\/span><\/span> So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; from David to the deportation to Babylon, fourteen generations; and from the deportation to Babylon to the Messiah, fourteen generations.<\/span><\/p> <\/span>


18<\/span><\/span> Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.<\/span> 19<\/span><\/span> And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man and not wanting to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly.<\/span> 20<\/span><\/span> But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, \"Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.<\/span> 21<\/span><\/span> She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.\"<\/span> 22<\/span><\/span> Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet:<\/span> 23<\/span><\/span> \"Behold<\/sc>, the virgin shall be with<\/sc> child and shall bear a<\/sc> Son<\/sc>, and they shall call<\/sc> His name<\/sc> Immanuel<\/sc>,\" which translated means, \"God with us<\/sc>.\"<\/span> 24<\/span><\/span> And Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took Mary<\/i> as his wife,<\/span> 25<\/span><\/span> but kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus.<\/span><\/p> <\/span> <\/div>


2<\/span><\/span> Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying,<\/span> 2<\/span><\/span> \"Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.\"<\/span> 3<\/span><\/span> When Herod the king heard this,<\/i> he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.<\/span> 4<\/span><\/span> Gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born.<\/span> 5<\/span><\/span> They said to him, \"In Bethlehem of Judea; for this is what has been written by the prophet:<\/span><\/p> <\/span>

6<\/span><\/span> 'And you<\/sc>, Bethlehem<\/sc>, land of<\/sc> Judah<\/sc>,
Are by no means least among the leaders of<\/sc> Judah<\/sc>;
For out of you shall come forth a<\/sc> Ruler<\/sc>
Who will<\/sc> shepherd<\/sc> My people<\/sc> Israel<\/sc>.'\"<\/span><\/p> <\/span>

7<\/span><\/span> Then Herod secretly called the magi and determined from them the exact time the star appeared.<\/span> 8<\/span><\/span> And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, \"Go and search carefully for the Child; and when you have found Him,<\/i> report to me, so that I too may come and worship Him.\"<\/span> 9<\/span><\/span> After hearing the king, they went their way; and the star, which they had seen in the east, went on before them until it came and stood over the place<\/i> where the Child was.<\/span> 10<\/span><\/span> When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.<\/span> 11<\/span><\/span> After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.<\/span> 12<\/span><\/span> And having been warned by God<\/i> in a dream not to return to Herod, the magi left for their own country by another way.<\/span><\/p> <\/span>


13<\/span><\/span> Now when they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord *appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, \"Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to destroy Him.\"<\/span><\/p> <\/span>

14<\/span><\/span> So Joseph got up and took the Child and His mother while it was still night, and left for Egypt.<\/span> 15<\/span><\/span> He remained there until the death of Herod. This was<\/i> to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: \"Out of<\/sc> Egypt<\/sc> I called<\/sc> My<\/sc> Son<\/sc>.\"<\/span><\/p> <\/span>


16<\/span><\/span> Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and sent and slew all the male children who were in Bethlehem and all its vicinity, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the magi.<\/span> 17<\/span><\/span> Then what had been spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled:<\/span><\/p> <\/span>

18<\/span><\/span> \"A voice was heard in<\/sc> Ramah<\/sc>,
Weeping and great mourning<\/sc>,
Rachel weeping for her children<\/sc>;
And she refused to be comforted<\/sc>,
Because they were no more<\/sc>.\"<\/span><\/p> <\/span>

19<\/span><\/span> But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord *appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, and said,<\/span> 20<\/span><\/span> \"Get up, take the Child and His mother, and go into the land of Israel; for those who sought the Child's life are dead.\"<\/span> 21<\/span><\/span> So Joseph got up, took the Child and His mother, and came into the land of Israel.<\/span> 22<\/span><\/span> But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. Then after being warned by God<\/i> in a dream, he left for the regions of Galilee,<\/span> 23<\/span><\/span> and came and lived in a city called Nazareth. This was<\/i> to fulfill what was spoken through the prophets: \"He shall be called a Nazarene.\"<\/span><\/p> <\/span> <\/div>"}